Upon completion of your Form F you will be invited to our Foster Panel meeting, where your report is presented and you can meet our Foster Panel members. We have panels in the North East and in the Yorkshire and East Midlands regions. These panels have been brought together for a range of functions, one of which is to consider fostering assessments and make recommendations to the agency about applicants’ suitability to take on the role. The panel consists of one or two vice chairs, a director from Team Fostering, two social workers employed by the agency, independent members, a solicitor, someone with recent fostering experience, someone with experience of being a looked after child, someone with professional experience in education and a medical advisor.
The panel is chaired by a designated independent chairperson, with substantial experience of both management and of working with children and young people. You will attend a panel in which your approval is discussed, where your Assessing Social Worker will present your assessment to the meeting, and discuss any questions relating to this. The panel might ask you some questions about the application, and you’ll be able to ask them any questions of your own. An administrator will be there to take minutes during the meeting.
Following Panel, the members will make a recommendation to our Agency Decision Maker about your suitability to foster, who will then confirm your approval as a foster carer/s with Team Fostering. You will be notified of the Agency Decision Maker’s decision in writing.