Team Fostering | Our Approach

Our Approach

Team Fostering is an ethical, not-for-profit fostering agency with an ethos that puts young people at the heart of everything we do.

Foster carers do something amazing when they welcome children into their lives, opening their homes and hearts to young people who need a family. We believe that no-one should make money by exploiting their generosity, and we’ve always attracted staff and foster carers who share this belief. Our choice not to make a profit from foster care reflects the fact that we are a truly child-centred agency, investing all possible resources into the best range of support and services for you. You can read more in our Ethical Statement here. 


What does it mean to be child-centred?

When we talk about being a child-centred organisation, this means we place the care of the young people we support at the centre of everything we do as a fostering agency. We ask that our staff and carers involve children in plans for their own care and the decisions made around it, while considering the impact these choices may have on the child too. We encourage our young people to express their views about their care, and we will always advocate on their behalf where needed. Being a child-centred agency helps us to provide young people with opportunities to reach their potential and put their futures first.

“Putting children’s futures first is at the heart of all we do, for all of us. For me, I am humbled by the resourcefulness, commitment and resilience of our Foster Carers to go the extra mile to provide stability and emotional security to the children they care for.  The Foster Carers do that for the children and our role is to be that Secure Base for them, so that they are supported in the task.”

Pauline, Supervising Social Worker.

What does it mean to be not-for-profit?

Operating as a not-for-profit fostering agency means that, instead of having stakeholders who could make a profit from the care of children and the hard work of their foster carers, we have guarantors who act as security for the future of the agency. The agency’s constitution, in law, ensures that the agency is ‘protected’ and that nobody can seize control of the agency for their own personal gain. This means that Team Fostering can always direct any surplus income that we make into the care of the children and young people we support and remain sustainable into the future. 

“It means Team [Fostering] are transparent and plough profits back into the organisation. Staff are caring and committed to carers. It's one big family and the staff and other foster carers care for all of our children. It's wonderful.”

A Team Fostering Foster Carer.

Our Values:

At Team Fostering we believe in a set of core values, which we bring to our work, our interactions and our communications both in and outside the agency. We believe that everyone at Team Fostering should adhere to our values of respect, transparency, reliability, honesty and of putting children at the centre of all we do.


First name *
Surname *
Phone number
Email address *
Postcode *
What is the best time to call you back?
Where did you hear about us?
Do you have a spare room?
Are aged over 21 years?
Are you currently a foster carer? *

[*] denotes a required field